St. Joseph Province

Missionaries Of Compassion

“Do as I have done” Jn 13,15



This day that year, 47 years ago, I was ordained priest. This period of almost half a century witnessed more changes than all the rest of history put together. Priesthood was no exception either; so much so, within this short span of time, every aspect of priesthood has undergone a world of change, and even the very existence of priesthood itself in Christianity is called in to question. In spite of all these changes, the idea that “A Priest Is Always Wrong” has remained unchanged.

If he begins his Mass in time, his watch is fast.
If begins a minute late, he keeps people waiting.
If he preaches too long, he makes people bored.
If he has a short homily, he is unprepared.
If he owns a car, he is luxurious.
If he does not own one, he is not with the times,
If he visits families, he is always out.
If he does not, he has no concern for them.
If he asks for donations, he is a moneymaker.
If he does not, he is too proud and lazy.
If he takes time in the confessional, he is too slow.
If he makes it fast, he has no time for his penitents.
If he renovates the church, he throws away money.
If he does not, he has no initiative.
If he works with the elderly, he is old fashioned.
If he works with the youth, he is flighty and mod.
If he is seen with women, he is a playboy.
If he goes only with men, he is immature.
If he is young, he has no experience.
If he is old, he should retire.
As long as he lives …..
There are always people who are better than him.

But if he dies ….
There is no one to take his place.

Courtesy – St. Ann’s Bulletin

Everything with me was so “wrong” that even the last statement; so much so, every time I was to vacate a place, there were people in ‘q’ to replace.

On this happy anniversary morning, dear friends, I assure you all a remembrance in my Holy Mass and prayers and in your charity kindly remember me too to the Lord.

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